Top articles Latest articles Interpretive dance Category: Types of Dances Interpretive dance is a family of modern dance styles that began around 1900 with Isadora Duncan. It... 481 (0) Morenada Category: Types of Dances The Morenada is an Andean folk dance whose origins are still under debate. This dance is practiced m... 431 (3) Lakalaka Category: Types of Dances The lakalaka (walking briskly) is a Tongan group dance where the performers are largely standing sti... 363 (0) FAQs Category: FAQs FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions, and our FAQ page is an organized collection of valuable i... 337 (0) Maglalatik Category: Types of Dances The Maglalatik (also known as Manlalatik or Magbabao) is a folk dance from the Philippines performed... 332 (0) Zeybek dance Category: Types of Dances The zeybek is a form of Turkish folk particular to Western, Central and southern Anatolia in Turkey.... 315 (0) Zydeco (Dance) Category: Types of Dances Zydeco (/ˈzaɪdɪˌkoʊ/ ZY-dih-koh or /ˈzaɪdiˌkoʊ/ ZY-dee-koh, French: Zarico) as a dance style has its... 277 (0) Zwiefacher Category: Types of Dances The Zwiefacher (German pronunciation: [ˈtsviːfaxɐ]) is a southern German folk dance with a quick tem... 292 (0) Zouk Category: Types of Dances Zouk is a musical movement pioneered by the French Antillean band Kassav' in the early 1980s. It was... 306 (0) Zonaradiko Category: Types of Dances Zonaradiko (Greek: Ζωναράδικος) is a traditional Greek folk dance from Thrace (Greece) that is named... 246 (0) Zervos (Dance) Category: Types of Dances Zervos (Greek: Ζερβός) is the name of a folk dance in Karpathos and Eastern Rumelia (Northern Thrace... 274 (0) Zervodexios Category: Types of Dances Zervodexios (Greek: ζερβοδεξιός) is a form of a Greek folk dance from Macedonia and Thrace, Greece. 104 (0)